

Soybean Crops

We have commenced the second planting of soybeans in Canterbury. After the agronomic success of the 2021/22 season, we have increased planting 5-fold and are excited about increasing yield per hectare this season.

We are to commence trial work with FAR (Foundation of Arable Research) to understand the capabilities of the soybean crops for capturing high amounts of carbon to feed the current crop and leaving deposits of nitrogen to feed following crop.

Our goals for this year are to increase yield to 4MT/Ha and to extract high percent of the oil during expelling and extrusion processes at the Rolleston crush facility.

We are growing both conventional and organically certified soybeans.

New Cropping Options

Soybeans naturally fix nitrogen in the soil. By including soybeans into crop rotation growers use less nitrogen fertilizer. That benefits the environment and allows farmers to save on input costs. As well as other agronomic values such as; reducing disease severity, lowering the risks of herbicide resistance, controlling hard to kill weeds, reducing insect pressure, positively affecting soil physical properties.

Cropping Options

Learn more about the oilseed crops that you can grow for Pure Oil New Zealand Limited:
Sunflowers, Oilseed Rape and Soyabean.

Increasing Yield & Markets

We are commencing trial work to better understand the capabilities of the soybean crops for capturing high amounts of carbon to feed the current crop and leaving deposits of nitrogen to feed following crop. Our goals for this year are to increase yield to 4MT/Ha and to extract high percent of the oil during expelling and extrusion processes at the Rolleston crush facility.


Become a Grower

For more information on growing for Pure Oil NZ, email below or contact Keith by phone +64 27 225 6461. We look forward to hearing from you.