

Liquid Biofuels

VISION – forging a carbon neutral future for Pure Oil New Zealand from recycling spent vegetable oils to bio-fuel.

We are creating a cycle of New Zealand grown oilseed crops, oil processing, delivering premium high oleic frying oils SUPERFRY to our restaurant customers. We collect the spent used cooking oil. Manufacturing the recycled UCO to bio-fuel to energise our Rolleston oilseed processing facility.

Recycling used cooking oil into biodiesel is an innovative and eco-friendly way to contribute to New Zealand’s sustainable energy production.

Economic Benefits

Cost-Effective: Used cooking oil is a low-cost feedstock for biodiesel production, making it a financially viable alternative to petroleum diesel.

Job Creation: The collection and processing of used cooking oil into biodiesel create jobs in the recycling and renewable energy sectors.

Energy Security: Reduces our dependency on imported mineral oils and enhance our energy security.


  • test-tubes
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  • claas-harvester

Environmental Benefits

Reduces Waste: Collecting used cooking oil prevents it from being disposed of improperly, such as down the drain, which can cause blockages and environmental pollution.

Lower Carbon Emissions: Biodiesel made from used cooking oil emits fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional fossil fuels, helping to combat climate change.



Sustainable Oil Loop

Green energy from paddock to kitchen to bio-fuel.
We supply locally grown, refined oils to restaurants and cafes. Once the oil has reached the end of its fry-life, we’ll collect and convert into bio-diesel. This process powers our factory while supporting a local, sustainable cycle. Partner with us for a clean, high service, eco-friendly fry-oil solution.


Our high-quality biofuel is ideal for powering industrial boilers and heating systems, offering a greener alternative for energy production. It’s also effectively used in environmental conservation efforts, like the eradication of wilding pines, supporting sustainability in New Zealand.

Biofuel Specifications

Product Name: Biofuel (B100)
Description: Methyl esters of fatty acids manufactured from used cooking oil collected from our customers who purchased RBD cooking oils (canola oil, high oleic canola oil, and high oleic sunflower oil). Not for human consumption.
Physical Properties: Colour: Light to dark yellow, Appearance: Liquid, Odour: Typical, bland, All results at time of manufacture.
Composition: Methyl esters of fatty acids
Origin: Vegetable oils are of New Zealand and Australian origin.
Technical Data:
Ester Content: ≥ 96.5%
Density at 15°C: 0.86-0.90 g/cm³
Viscosity at 40°C: 1.9-6.0 mm²/s
Flash Point: > 150°C
Sulfur Content: ≤ 15 ppm
Water Content: ≤ 0.05% (500 mg/kg)
Acid Number: ≤ 0.5 mg KOH/g
Iodine Value: ≤ 120 g I₂/100g
Oxidation Stability at 110°C: ≥ 6 hours
Packaging: Bulk, 1000L IBC or Pallecon
Storage: Clean, dry areas away from heat and odorous products
Shelf Life: Dependant on packaging, 1,000L IBC or Pallecon – 6 months from date of manufacture under ideal storage conditions.
Disclaimer: All information and recommendations are based on tests and research believed to be reliable. No guarantee of their accuracy is made however. Since the manufacturers have no control over the conditions under which the products are transported, stored, handled or used by the purchasers, all recommendations and sales are made on the condition that the manufacturers and sellers will not be liable for any damages resulting from their use. No representatives of the manufacturers has any authority to waive or change the above provisions but our technical staff are available to assist purchasers in adapting the aforementioned products to their needs and circumstances. Nothing contained herein shall imply a recommendation to infringe any patents now or thereafter in existence. All ingredients and GMO or other ingredient statements for this product comply with New Zealand Food regulations and are subject to change. Customers exporting this product or finished items made from this product, should check the regulations of the importing company.


Make an Enquiry

For more information on product details, pricing and availability. Email below or contact Dean Smith by phone +64 27 461 6993. We look forward to hearing from you.





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