Cropping Improvement


Agronomy Research

Pure Oil New Zealand is actively engaged in agronomy research initiatives aimed at improving the cultivation and yield of oilseed crops, including oilseed rape, sunflowers, and soybeans. Our key research areas include enhancing crop management practices, such as planting times, row spacing, and crop rotation; developing effective pest and disease management strategies; and optimising nutrient and water use. We also prioritise sustainable agriculture through soil health improvement, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), economic viability, and community support. Additionally, we are trialling new varieties with better yield potential and oil quality, and testing new products to enhance crop performance. These efforts aim to increase crop yields and improve quality, ensuring the long-term viability of oilseed production in New Zealand.

In 2020, we teamed up with the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) to kick off the Monitor Farm Study. Our goal? To push the average yield of oilseed rape to 5.3 mt per hectare by 2023, under the project “5.3 by 2023.” We conducted the study in South Canterbury and Southland, focusing on key yield drivers and best practices with input from FAR, our team at Pure Oil NZ, and local growers. By 2023, we hit an average yield of 4.95 mt/ha and reached 4.74 mt/ha in 2024. We found some interesting things along the way, like how targeted nitrogen application, optimal Green Area Index (GAI) readings, reduced soil compaction, and the use of bio-stimulants can all make a big difference. We also realized there’s more to explore in disease control and fine-tuning nitrogen and bio-stimulant practices to keep pushing those yields higher.

  • cropping-growers
  • cropping-growers
  • farmers
  • crops
  • sunflowers
  • harvesting
  • farmers
  • farmers

All this research helps us reach our goals of improving crop yields and producing top-notch crops, contributing to the success of oilseed production in New Zealand. If you want to dive deeper into what we’re working on, Pure Oil NZ has internal reports and publications with more details on our ongoing research projects. See the article Golden oil flows from on-farm agronomy project. Also, check out Arable’s achievements highlighted for additional insights into our projects and achievements.

If you would like start growing for Pure Oil New Zealand, get in touch with Keith today.