Grower Suppliers
The Farms Behind Pure Oil
Our grower suppliers are an integral part of the Pure Oil NZ business. We acknowledge of the importance of this relationship by the stated core value: “Grower Suppliers are part of our Team”.
Since 2012 we have developed long lasting partnerships with our Grower Base, where together we have developed the New Zealand oilseed industry. Our approach to working with Growers is that we are here for the long-term, we provide continued grower support and timely advice, and we learn from one another to improve outcomes for the industry.
The first contract crop of Pure Oil NZ was standard oilseed rape (like canola), we then shifted focus to high oleic rapeseed, successfully improving yields and gross margin returns for Growers. We started growing high oleic sunflowers in 2017 and have successfully implemented this crop as an arable option. We are now developing the growing and markets for GE Free soyabeans.
Agronomy Support
Growers are supported through the entire growing process with expect agronomy support and assistance. Our team will be on the ground to help, monitor, report and recommend, timely advice on the best management techniques for your crop.
Cropping Options
Learn more about the oilseed crops that you can grow for Pure Oil New Zealand Limited:
Sunflowers, Oilseed Rape and Soybean.
Agronomy Research & Development
Pure Oil NZ has a close working relationship with industry leading organisation, Foundation of Arable Research (FAR). Collaborative research programs have been setup to improve growing techniques and improve yields.
What your crops become
Once harvested, we use every part of the seed and oil, these
are some of the products your seeds become.

Grower Contracts
Pure Oil New Zealand offers fixed priced, open volume contracts, that give the Grower an added degree of financial security in fluctuating grain markets. Payment programs, oil bonuses and deductions for high moisture / chaff are all set out in the contract.
Become a Grower
For more information on growing for Pure Oil NZ, email below or contact Keith by phone +64 27 225 6461. We look forward to hearing from you.